Legal Resource Center on Violence Against Women

Attorney Resources


Tragically, domestic violence survivors often are forced to sacrifice their own safety in order to continue living with their children.  If they leave their abusers and flee across state lines, survivors may lose their children in subsequent custody cases.  In some cases, it is because judges do not understand the impact of domestic violence on children.  In others, it is because abused women cannot find lawyers to represent them.   

When victims flee, they need qualified attorneys – often in two states – to represent them in complex cases.  They may be charged with parental kidnapping or face conflicting custody orders from courts in different states.  Because these cases involve a web of different laws, without expert representation, victims may lose custody of their children.  For victims who have survived violence, this presents an untenable choice: remain with abusers or potentially lose custody of their children when they flee to safer locations.

YOU CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE! The LRC is seeking to expand its referral network of attorneys able to represent survivors of domestic violence in interstate custody cases.  Learn more.

The LRC provides training and support to attorneys handling interstate custody and domestic violence cases.  Sign-up for a training about interstate custody issues. If you are an organization interested in having LRC staff present at a conference, please call 301-270-1550.  Attorneys also may call for technical assistance regarding particular cases.

Relevant case law summaries are available from the LRC.  The LRC also is collecting sample pleadings for interstate custody cases.  Please call the LRC at 301-270-1550 for more information.

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